
New in PROJECTS: Capturing light: Lumen prints in my garden

Stephanie Richter Untitled (backyard lumen experiment 1 - Bottlebrush) 2017 gelatin silver print 20.3 x 25.4 cm
other details: Ilford fibre based classic glossy paper !0 minute exposure in full winter sun.

Photograms, rayographs, shadowgrams, whatever you want to call them, not much could simpler in photography.

Place your subject (for example, a plant cutting) on a light-sensitised surface, expose to the light source required for that surface, remove your object and then make the resulting image permanent. Volià - a photogram! The choices of light-sensitised surfaces are broad, I'm not exaggerating to say that almost all photographic processes can be used to create a photogram, from the early cyanotype through to the contemporary document scanner, and everything in between.

With Lumen prints, you're using black-and-white (gelatin silver) paper and the sun/UV light (some artists have been known to use starlight or a full moon). Plus some paper fixer to make the image permanent. It can be as quick and simple as you like (a plant-cutting and a 10minute exposure to the sun, as seen in my example) - or you can construct complex compositions, involve your body, or expose the print for 24hours/days. Variables in paper type, age, previous exposure to light (fogging) and paper surface will, along with length of exposure and moisture levels during exposure, give you varied depth of tone and colour in your resulting prints. Lumen printing is full of opportunities to experiment to your heart's desire. 

I'm planning to attempt some toning/staining of future prints with items from around the house (tea, coffee, red wine etc...) in my next experiment. 

WORKSHOPS: Coming up in late September I'm running some photogram Lumen Print workshops for MGA at the inaugural Bright Festival of Photography, in the picturesque Victorian high country alpine region. I'd love to invite you along, but the event has sold out! Keep an eye on MGA's instagram stories for the event.

  • Keep an eye under PROJECTS for the continuation of this series

Stephanie Richter Untitled (backyard lumen experiment 2 - Wattle) 2017 two gelatin silver prints 20.3 x 50.8 cm
other details: Ilford fibre based classic glossy paper ,25 minute exposure in overcast winter light